Building on our mission to develop better models of engagement between government and industry, the Council facilitates unique and intimate opportunities for member company executives to share their experience and expertise with administration officials, congressional leaders, and other important stakeholders. Our initiatives inform processes and policies, address mission challenges, and improve the management and organization of government agencies, all of which serve to strengthen the entire homeland security enterprise.
The Council also gathers insights from thought leaders throughout the broader homeland security community to assess challenges, identify best practices and offer recommendations to influence the underlying issues governing public-private sector relationships, and make changes where necessary to help both sectors achieve greater mission success.
20/20 Project on the State of the Homeland Security Enterprise
The 20/20 Project on the State of the Homeland Security Enterprise is a five-year initiative of the Council. Embracing the concept of 20/20 ‘clarity of vision’ leading to the 20th anniversary commemoration of 9/11, the Project’s goal has been to serve as a source of information, education, best practices, lessons learned, and suggested actions for the Enterprise. Learn more.
National Conversation Series
Our National Conversation brings together government and industry officials to examine critical homeland security issues from the standpoint of “looking forward.” Combined with the Council’s five-year 20/20 Project on the Homeland Security Enterprise, these conversations seek to further develop the strategic vision and direction for the nation’s homeland security efforts, as well as emphasize the benefits of greater engagement and communication between government and industry. Learn more.
Government-Industry Engagement Opportunities
The Council provides unique and diverse opportunities for members to engage with officials from federal agencies and share their expertise and perspectives on issues impacting the Homeland Security Industrial Base. These opportunities allow our members to showcase their individual and corporate thought leadership. Learn more.
Congressional Engagement
The Council’s congressional engagement activities focus on building relationships between industry leaders and the legislative branch to share information on critical homeland security issues. Our programs include small group Meet & Greets with members of Congress, policy meetings with senior committee staff, and Industry-Government Homeland Security Receptions. The Council also provides congressional testimony on issues of concern to our members. Learn more.